Earthwork and Excavation Shoring Design
From soil excavation for foundations to scaling back hillsides for dams and bridges, many large vertical and horizontal construction and infrastructure projects typically require earthwork. Any trench work over 5 feet deep requires a protective system and anything over 20’ requires that the system be designed by a professional engineer.
The nature of excavation itself is unsafe and reinforcement, such as shoring, ensures that the lateral walls remain intact. Zenith Engineers pulls from its experience on some of the largest projects to ensure job site safety, such as, prevention of collapsing trenches or cave-ins on workers. Some of the common methods we have used are: soldier pile and lagging, hydraulic shoring, pneumatic shoring, and building walls from timber and aluminum.
Being a responsive engineering firm, we can create a site specific excavation protection system after reviewing plans and performing a site visit. Our experience leads to ultrafast turnaround times and the flexibility to adjust to the client’s needs.