Zenith helps Homeowners navigate their new home, addition, or remodel design with the understanding that this could be your single largest investment and introduction to construction. We provide lump sum or fixed fee pricing whenever possible, so you are confident that the architecture & engineering will be completed on the up front agreed price. Our team will support you until the project is completed through its construction administration services.
Our in house architects take an end to end approach to your design with a thorough analysis of what is allowable on your property from a square footage, zoning, and set back perspective. Our engineering team's experience with different building materials gives you a chance to explore more energy efficient designs, more sound dampening walls, or even quieter construction approaches for your neighbors.
We can assess existing buildings and see what is safe to build with your existing conditions, while we prepare as-builts if you do not have the original floor plans, see below for the other ways we can help on your projects.